Industrial automation support

full assistance

Providing industrial automation assistance is the real key to our success

At Al-Ba Automazione, we do not just limit ourselves to the programming and production of industrial robotic systems. We are also able to provide complete and total support for industrial automation, to the point where we can also be defined to all intents and purposes as a technical assistance centre for robotic systems.

Technical assistance and the wide availability of spare parts are the perfect conclusion to the circle of services we can offer our customers. We can thus guarantee the constant quality standard of our industrial robots, and we can successfully intervene using various techniques, such as remote control or telephone assistance.

Do you need assistance with your industrial automation?

Technical assistance

Technical support is a major strength of Al-Ba Automazione.

We can provide and guarantee support and rapid, targeted interventions conducted by our highly specialised and constantly trained technical staff at the manufacturers.

But we can give you even greater peace of mind with a whole series of additional services that are indispensable for forced production.

Service contracts

Our standard industrial automation service can be supported with a guaranteed hours contract to have a privileged and direct relationship with Al-Ba Automazione.

The contracts include:

  • Favourable prices on technical interventions
  • Discounts on spare parts
  • Fast and priority interventions

Planned maintenance

For installations where sudden machine downtimes are absolutely unacceptable and could represent the collapse of the entire production line, planned maintenance is indispensable.

With this auxiliary service, we can study and propose entire preventive and scheduled maintenance programmes to provide maximum support for robotic installations.

Testing and keeping machines in perfect condition is the best possible prevention.

Remote control

With the remote control service provided by our service centre for robotic plants, we provide our customers with the possibility of leaving their entire automated plant under our remote control, with total peace of mind. In this way, we can support our customers with remote monitoring of faults.

The exhausting phone calls and endless e-mails will no longer be necessary. We monitor everything remotely and, should there be a problem, we will intervene immediately.

Minimum effort, maximum yield!

Programming courses

All large companies import know-how in-house as a company resource. Also in this Al-Ba Automazione can assist you by putting our knowledge and experience at your service to train new personnel.

Training can be done either at the customer’s location or at demos installed at our headquarters.

our support

The ultimate in industrial automation support with Al-Ba Automazione

Al-Ba Automazione is able to provide maximum support for the technical servicing of robotic systems.

To achieve this high standard of service, we also provide our customers with telephone support that can handle downtimes.

Would you like to know the telephone number for downtime support? Contact us!

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