Plastics processing robots

The benefits of automation

Robots for industrial plastics processing

For us at Al-Ba Automazione, designing and implementing industrial automation systems means finding the best optimisation for our customers’ production processes.

In the plastics industry, achieving maximum output with the smallest margin for error is the greatest advantage of automating processes such as moulding.

Automations for the plastics industry are very different and varied depending on the specific production of the customer company itself. One can find endless applications for the use of robots in plastics processing.

Industrial automation systems for rubber and plastics processing can offer

  • Time savings
  • Reduction of waste and/or production waste
  • Reduction of unforeseen events
  • Maximum conformity of the final product

All these major benefits translate directly into an overall improvement in productivity and quality of the end products, an improvement that in turn translates into higher returns on the initial investment.

The return on investment will be rapid and will greatly increase your company’s production standards.

Could plastic processing robots be the solution you are looking for?

Plastics processing with robots

The processing of plastics, and their automation as a direct consequence, is exposed to a wide variety of different situations.

The plastics used, the processing they undergo and the end use of the processed product, for example, can all change.

This is why the robotic islands for the plastics sector designed and manufactured by us at Al-Ba Automazione are very flexible and suitable for the different stages of production.

Robots in the plastics industries: safety at work

Robots for plastics processing are also a winning choice when it comes to occupational safety.

Automation systems in plastics moulding, especially in highly automated lines, require reduced exposure of the operator during processing to all harmful agents, such as gases that could be released. Also not to be forgotten is the reduction in exposure to potentially dangerous or strenuous situations and handling. This translates into fewer risks and certainly greater health safety for employees.

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The main sectors in which we operate

In addition to plastics processing robots, we at Al-Ba Automazione operate successfully in many other industrial sectors. The main ones are:

Do you want to find out which industrial robot is best suited for your company? Contact us for a quote!

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