CNC automatic lathe

Reducing machining time

The CNC automatic lathe with Al-Ba Automazione

For us at Al-Ba Automazione, meeting the ever-increasing demand for optimisation of our customers’ production processes means responding with the best technological innovation.

It is with this spirit that we design and manufacture our robot islands for companies. Among these, automation systems and CNC robots such as automatic lathe servicing systems are answers that generate exceptional results.

Collaborative turning robots, also known as Cobots, subserve parallel or numerically controlled lathes, are able to automate industrial production and achieve very high quality and quantity standards.

It is precisely with CNC robotics and the enslavement of the CNC lathe that we start talking about Industry 4.0, or robotic automation in the production lines of industries.

When we speak of a CNC lathe, or a CNC automatic lathe with robotic loading, we are referring to Industry 4.0, that is, the type of industry that, by exploiting automation for production, is able to achieve far higher levels of quality and quantity than previous industries.

It is not simply about choosing better machinery, it is about mental attitude. The mindset that must be employed behind the choice of a CNC automatic lathe is a winning mindset. In fact, the initial investment is repaid in a very short time by the great advantages that only a CNC automatic lathe serviced by a robot/cobot can offer.

Want to find out how to make the winning choice of CNC automatic lathe?

The big advantages of the CNC automatic lathe

The CNC automatic lathe loader designed and manufactured by us at Al-Ba Automazione can

  • Reduce metal machining times
  • Reduce positioning errors
  • Fully control production and delivery times
  • Increase production possibilities in terms of both quantity and complexity

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Our robots

All the ways you can use our robotic islands

Our CNC automatic lathe loader is just one part of the robotic islands that we at Al-Ba Automazione can boast. In addition to this use, our standard and customised robot islands can also fill roles in the production line with activities such as

What is the best proposal for your company? Find out by contacting us for a quote.

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